The climate change conference in Copenhagen has been in the news almost everyday and perhaps now we can move on to other things. But first, one last kick at the cat, so to speak.
My news email notification this morning (Saturday) read: " A new global climate deal has been approved at the UN climate summit in Denmark.The so-called Copenhagen Accord offers money to developing nations to help them fight global warming. However, the deal is not binding, and does not set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions."
It is a very telling statement. The majority of the delegates at this conference were socialist left leaning folks and they have seen this new industry as an ideal platform for destabilizing capitalism, giving government more control, and re-distributing the wealth of the world. Can you believe for one minute that a carbon reduction grant to the Prime Minister of Uganda is going to help reduce green house gases?
The sad part is that our youth are being brainwashed in school, the media is almost 100% on board, and dissenters are not being allowed to voice their opinions. Don't be fooled by this. There has never been consensus on the fundamental issues, not even within the IPCC. There is still much disagreement among the leading scientists of the world about 1. The data regarding the premise that the world is warming ("Climategate" showed us that there is a concerted attempt to cook the books on this most basic of tenets of climate change) 2. The big question of whether or not man plays any roll in the changes the climate goes through. 3. If we do effect the climate, to what extent? 4. What really is a greenhouse gas? 5. The end result of warming. 6. What are the solutions, if man is really responsible.
Dialogue in all 6 of these areas is discouraged! Can you believe that the potentially greatest threat to mankind of all time is not allowed to be discussed?
My thinking is that it is an elaborate hoax that is working beyond Maurice Strong's, Al Gore's and David Suzuki's wildest imaginations. My prediction is that in 5 to 10 years, it will fall apart and be seen as the one of the greatest lies ever perpetrated on mankind. Because the motivations are so varied, there have been many special interest groups jumping on the band wagon, hoping that their agenda will be fulfilled. (Greens, socialists, greedy entrepreneurs, and even anarchists)
And finally, oh the sweet irony again! Yesterday, as Obama was returning to Washington from the conference, there was a severe snowstorm hitting the capital. He could not take his gas guzzling helicopter to the White House, but had to use the slippery icy roads. I sincerely hope it gave him pause for some thought and some common sense, but I doubt it. He is "one of the above".