My daughter, who birthed a baby on Sept 26, is employed by the bank that sponsored this sand sculpture, only days before.
Tomorrow we will be standing, with hundreds of others, beside a busy city street, holding a placard, and assisiting in a silent protest on behalf of the unborn. I cannot say it better than Curtis Stewart, the President of CanMedia Inc. in an editorial I read this week. This is sobering reading:
In Canada the birth rate is about 342,000 children per year, with another 100,000 per year being aborted, which is about 30 abortions for every 100 live births. The total death rate in Canada is 226,000, not including abortion. The numbers are staggering, and most media, public, and politicians find it is too hot an issue to deal with. These are some of the staggering statistics:
Leading Cause of Death Worldwide:
#1 Heart Attack (millions) 7.2
#2 Stroke 5.5
#3 Lower Respiratory Infection 3.9
#4 AIDS 2.8
#5 Pulmonary Infections 2.8
#6 Perinatal 2.4
#7 Trach/Bronc/Cancer 1.3
Total of top 7 deaths worldwide 25.9
Reason: rape and incest 1%, child's or mother's health 6%, social reasons 93%.
Billions of dollars are spent every year to find cures for various diseases, with very little spent to reduce abortion, which is the largest world epidemic we ever encountered. The Black Plague was the largest pandemic in human history, killing 75 million; the largest human atrocity was the killing of 6 million Jews during the Holocaust, while little has been done to prevent the loss of life of 42 million per year. In 24 years, abortion will wipe out 1 billion children. And all of this while we give Henry Morgentaler the Order of Canada, and call him a hero.
Come and stand with us.
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