I thought about this later. What actually happened, was a calm, rational and intelligent response to a fire alarm in a large building that had around 1200 people in it, in all of its rooms and corners. Had there been an actual fire, somebody would have seen it and informed the ushers or the pastor and we would have, at that time, used the myriad of exits around the building to calmly exit. The fire doors in the center and both sides of the building automatically close and lock so the Sunday School department would have had no choice but to exit to the sides and rear and the worshippers would have had to exit to the sides and to the front.
But, safety rules. Because we are all assumed to be ignorant sheep, we must all exit at the first sign of trouble, false alarm or not. There is no room for interpretation in this rule, as the fire Marshall apparently informed the pastors when the fire truck arrived, with sirens blazing. I know there are two sides to this, but I side with an intelligent response as opposed to a knee jerk reaction. We have been taught to follow so many rules these days that there is no room left for questioning why the rule is there and what its purpose is. Most of these rules are put in place 1. because there is a bureaucracy there to do so, or 2. we need to be protected from our ignorant selves, or 3. there are some stupid people that need protecting but you cannot discriminate against stupid people so you make a rule to cover everybody and thus cover the stupid ones.
I guess I am a rebel because I have no patience for stupid rules. I know I am not the only one because yesterday morning there was not a single person in church who jumped up and ran out of the building. They sat there like me and used their God given intelligence.