Sunday, July 10, 2011


About a year ago, I was suffering from a particularly bad cold. As I lay in my bed, trying to sleep, all I could think about was my aching pressurized sinuses, my sore throat, the congestion in my bronchial tubes, and my dry mouth from not being able to breathe through my nose. You have all been there as this a common affliction to mankind. One's mind becomes focused on these problems and I found myself wondering why I did not appreciate good health when I had it. I determined then and there that when I was better, I would be more appreciative of a healthy body and the joy that it can bring.

On those nights when I am not dead tired, and I lay on my bed with the last thoughts of the day on my mind, I start at my head and go right down to my feet and do a mental assessment of all limbs and systems. I have found this to be of great value. I marvel at how well I can breathe, how comfortable I am, how pain free I am, and how relaxed and at peace I am. That, in turn, gives me an almost overwhelming sense of gratitude. 
There will again be a day when I will have those awful cold symptoms, or there will be the pains and discomfort of old age, or disease, but right now I am blessed with health and consider it one of the greatest gifts of God to his creation, man. This feeling of well being and gratitude relaxes me and I fall asleep more easily. It beats falling asleep with the worries of my life on my mind. And I know that next time I am in pain and discomfort, and sleep eludes me, that at least I can say that I appreciated my health when I had it. No regrets.    

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