Friday, January 27, 2012

The Colours of Decameron

Why do we like it here so much? Surrounded by bright light and bright colour one cannot help but be happy and upbeat. It is so much the opposite of drab, which is the order of the day for winter back home. There are seven restaurants, six pools, six buildings, most of which consist of three wings of at least three floors each, and gardens everywhere. There are over 600 guest rooms and while we were there it was at capacity, the highest occupancy rate of any resort in Puerto Vallarta. Too many are discovering its charm and ambiance and there may be a day when the prices will go up and availability go down. Most people we talked to had been there multiple times.

I will let the photos do the talking.


poof said...

Wow! Tropical Lego!

AF said...

Whoa! That's way more colourful then when I went!!