Wednesday, March 21, 2012


busylizzy and I decided to travel down to the USA to do a bit of cross border shopping yesterday. We made five stops altogether and made some, or should I say, saved some money on a number of purchases. Every few years we go into the big mall called Bellis Fair. We bought nothing there as no store had exactly what we were looking for, but we did make an amazing discovery while wandering the lanes between the stores. There, off to one side, sitting on a walker, was a beautiful elderly white haired lady. And for goodness sakes, it was my ninety two year old Aunt, just sitting there looking really perky. Of course, we stopped and greeted her and she told us she was there with her daughter.
Her daughter, my cousin, lives in Korea and I have not seen her in years. And there, suddenly, she appeared. Well, we had a reunion. She had with her, her own daughter and two of her daughter's seven children. As it turns out, my cousin, who is almost exactly my age, has 21 grandchildren!
We would like to have stayed right there, plugging up the aisles and annoying the other shoppers while we chatted away, but they had to run off to a rendezvous with other family members. They were all meeting at the  "Old Country Buffet" at the other end of the mall. We said our goodbyes and watched as the 60 something cousin, the 30 something daughter, and the two kids, 7 and 4, hustled like crazy to keep up with the 92 year old. She is feisty and knows how to motor. Well, that just made my day and was even better than the big chocolate ice-cream soft serve I had at Ed-Aileen's dairy on the way home.  

1 comment:

Rachel said...

What's even more surprising is that you went to a shopping mall.