Bill Clinton was quite a hit at the big party put on by the Democrats two nights ago. He spouted some crowd pleasers that didn't ring true. The most obvious was the comment about how Obama had created 23 million jobs. Is it a real job when government stimulus pays someone to count potholes in the freeway? A job like that produces nothing and is paid for with printed dollars. Another thing. How is it that there is 20 % unemployment (8.3 % if you only count those that are still on benefits and are actively looking for work)? Obviously there was a net loss of jobs. Is this something to be proud of? Obama says he inherited a mess from the Republicans and now they want to get back in power so they can continue the mess they started. And in four years, what did Obama do but make it much much worse than it was or than it had to be.
Besides, how did America get into the mess they are in now in the first place? It all started with Clinton who said "Every American deserves and has the right to own a home" That statement became policy and the whole banking structure changed to allow easy credit. Then came the credit bubble of '08 and now here we are today, still suffering the consequences.
At least the Republicans are going to consider going back on the gold standard. That would be a step in the right direction. Otherwise, they are all, on both sides, a bunch of power hungry, greedy, incompetent truth benders. I'm glad I do not have to vote down there.
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