Friday, February 14, 2014

Celebration of Life

We attended an extraordinary celebration of life today. We used to call them funerals but that belies what is really going on when a Christian dies. What made this occasion unusual is that the person taken by cancer was a young mom with 4 kids and a loving husband, parents, siblings and very many friends. The assembly hall was full. We felt a connection because we have been following her blog for the last little while and she was the sister to our daughter's very good friends.
The service was inspirational, moving, humorous, worshipful, and ironically full of joy and hope amidst the sadness.
The brief message was on 2 Corinthians 4: 7-12 which speaks of the trials and tribulations of life but what is inside our jar of clay (our mortal body) is a treasure because it lives on forever.
Our lives are like roller coasters, ups and downs, twists and turns, and we certainly saw that in this family in the last little while because a cousin and an uncle also died in the last few months.
But why the celebration? When we exit the rollercoaster of life, we are ushered into an eternal reality that far surpasses anything we have experienced here in this life. It is the Christian's great hope.
And that is cause for celebration and not mourning.   

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