The "big three" that determine one's health in life are genetics, diet, and lifestyle.
My great grandfather and grandfather lived to ages very close to 100. My own father lived to 92 but neglected his health when my mother passed away, and could have gone on longer had he cared. So my genetics are good insofar as what I inherited from my father's side.
My diet has had variety, and on the whole consisted of basic food with wholesome ingredients and has been mostly home cooked and home baked. I avoid between meals snacks and certainly never eat before bedtime.
My weight has been steady all my life with the exception of adding about 10 - 15 extra pounds since my mid-sixties. I am 6' 2" and 195 lbs. My work involved light to moderate activity throughout the day, always moving, stretching, light lifting, and a lot of climbing of stairs and ladders.
When I turned 68, I began to slow down in my work, only working part-time. Those days when I did not work, I walked at least 5-6 thousand steps. It was when I stopped working altogether, I realized that I had to have a plan of action. 'Not moving' was not an option. We downsized into a condo and one of the benefits of the place we chose was that there was a gym right down the hallway from our suite.
I determined to be in there at least 5 days a week and, so far, I have been consistent and have actually enjoyed it. Besides a light workout with weights, I either walk the tread mill or ride the stationary bike. My goal is still 6000 steps per day. (Today I did nearly 7000)
Putting a step counting app on my phone has been a great benefit. It prompts me, encourages me, and tells me in no uncertain terms that I have either attained my daily goal or I am x number of steps short. So far I have walked, since 2021, 3671 miles.
I purchased an E-bike in 2022 and use it during the spring, summer and winter, adding to the exercise. I generally ride from 25 - 40 Km. per outing.
Why am I writing about this now? I am about to undertake a big step in my attainment of a healthy lifestyle and diet. I certainly do not want to live forever, but the years that I do have left, I want to be pain free at the least. I am developing some aches and pains that various types of therapy are not touching. My extensive research into the diet I am about to undertake, informs me that mostly, my pain is from various types of inflammation, and that can be remedied.
I am preparing to become a Carnivore. By preparing, I mean that I am cleaning my cupboards, fridge and freezer of all carbohydrates and sugars. I am not wasteful so I will eat it all (not all at once) and then make way for the meat, eggs and cheese.
As a step counter motivates me to continue walking, I thought that tracking and reporting my progress with the new diet, on this blog, would motivate me to be vigilant, observant, and would help me to track my progress, with the hope that I would be helped by the diet and that, in turn, might encourage others to give it a try.
I will write regular reports under the label "Carnivore". I am not sure exactly when I will be starting but it will be this month for sure. I am nervous and excited. I am a disciplined person and usually stick to what I start. It will be most interesting for reasons I will divulge in my reports. I think I will go have a cookie now.