Wednesday, August 4, 2010


You get lots of flora on my blog, and now you get some fauna. I had just entered Jasper Park when I saw these two beauties at the side of the road, warming themselves in the early morning sunlight. I was able to stay a good distance away and use my telephoto but there was an elderly fellow with a small 'point and shoot' getting closer and closer to these guys. They stopped chewing their cud and took on a cautious nervousness that made me think they could bolt at any second. I left before they could run one of those big racks through the old guy. I am not that confident about my first aid skills.  
I saw quite a bit of wildlife on the trip including many dead deer and moose at the side of the road. I lost track of the moose roadkills after a while, there were so many. My cousins tell me that they have very many moose where they farm, but only a few years ago, one had to drive many miles north to see one. Dusk and dawn are the dangerous times when they venture across the roads and they are not easy to spot. I came across one very large pick-up truck with the whole front end demolished and a few hundred yards away was the moose who took him on. Almost like running into a bus.    

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