Saturday, December 8, 2012


I'm not quite sure why, but I have never eaten a Pomelo until a few days ago. They originate from Southeast Asia and are about the size of a Cantaloupe, weigh close to two pounds, and are elongated on one end. They sort of look like a very large Grapefruit, and actually, the grapefruit is a product of a Pomelo and Orange cross. The ones we bought were labelled "Honey Pomelo" so at least, we thought, it would be sweet, even if it did not taste good.

Getting at the fruit is a challenge. 44% of the Pomelo is rind and pith and membrane so one has to cut quite deep to get the outer skin off. Cutting it in sections to begin with as in the photo above is the only way to do it. It is a tough job and one needs strong hands and fingernails. The sections, similar to the sections in a Grapefruit, are strong and do not crush and juice up easily so one can be rough when pulling the section apart.

After the sections are separated, the membrane has to also be removed as it is tough and bitter. When one gets practiced at it, one can peel the membrane without damaging the fruit, as in the photo above.

Ours looked very much like the one above. After a lot of tugging and pulling, I took my first bite and was more than pleasantly surprised. The taste is sweet and the flavour is like a grapefruit but without the acid and the bitterness. I ate way too much! I got good at it after a few sections and then noticed that even a small amount of membrane left on the fruit sections made it a bit bitter, and don't lick your finger after. BITTER! The small nodules of goodness inside the sections are juicy but they do not burst and get all over your hands as you work with it.
I highly recommend this fruit. 2 for $5 at Kin's Market and one will feed two to three people for a nice snack or dessert.

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