Saturday, March 15, 2014

Cole Road

This photo was taken around the late 70's at the south entrance to Hougen Park on Cole road. I had some very good clients just south of here and worked there a lot. At noon I would drive to the park and have my lunch. There have been changes since those days. You will note, that if you were to drive through this park today, that those Weeping Willows along the bank of the Sumas River are now huge. And just beyond the park there is a freeway rest stop.
I sometimes go here when I am in the neighbourhood and if I stop, I notice that there is usually some neighbourhood patrol or a cop car that eventually cruises through, taking licence plate numbers. Apparently, it is, or was, a popular spot for drug deals.
This photo was taken with my old SLR, a Pentax Spotmatic, with Kodachrome slide film, and I scanned the slide and processed it with a program called 'Silverlight'. All my slides are now digital so they can fade away if they want. I am happy that those days of film are dead and gone. One chance for a photo was all one could take and then just hope for the best until the slides were developed.

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