Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dutch Tower

As you can tell, I have been browsing through some of my old photos, all of which have been converted to digital. Here is a scene that some of my 'older' readers, who have lived in this area for a while, will recognize. Or maybe you are saying, "That looks familiar, but where is it?"
Back in the 70's and 80's we had a high profile gardener here in BC who ran a successful chain of garden stores. He entered politics and was successful there also, eventually becoming Premier of the Province.  He had good looks, charm, personality, and charisma, not to mention a good looking wife. In his heyday, he built Fantasy Gardens in Richmond, a replica of Dutch architecture and horticultural features. We went there several times and always found it to be immaculate and very beautiful. The above photo is one scene along the garden tour.  There is a brief history of the Gardens here . Sadly, all that remains there today is the historic castle that was moved onto the site, and now stands as an historic monument and a prop for the occasional movie production.  

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