We all know what inflation is, and we have felt its sting of late. Our Federal Government is giving us filtered information and they got caught in a lie this week. How often have you heard that inflation is only 2 - 3% and you have wondered why it is deemed to be so low? We are being lied to to make us think that the economy is better than it really is. The way they come up with such a low number is they factor out food and fuel! Yes, the two things that are going up faster than all other living expenses are factored out of the inflation calculation! The real figure, some say, is around 10 - 12%. A few days ago, the Dept. of Finance announced that coming inflation would rise because of food and fuel costs. Duh! They speak out of both sides of their mouths. What are they going to do? Factor it back in?
I was merrily piling on the condiments to enhance my chicken burger the other night when something caught my eye. It was the pickle jar marked "Safeway Brand" The bread and butter pickles were good but I almost gagged when I read in bold letters on the label, "Product of India". I am all for the farmers of India earning a living, but that is not the point. Think of it. The huge demands on oil and oil by-products are driving the fuel prices skyward, and here we have an ocean going container ship driven by 5,000 litres of bunker fuel per hour to deliver pickles to the local Safeway store when we can grow perfectly good cucumbers (aka pickles) right in our own valley! People, read your labels and protest. If enough of us do so, it WILL make a difference.
And, get ready to pay yet another tax on your fill-up at your local gas station in July. The asinine carbon tax will take effect and it will be inflationary. Commerce will pass on the increase costs to the consumer as they must. I will be too. But don't worry, it is revenue neutral. You will all be receiving a cheque any day now for $100 to offset this increase. If it were only to offset the increase in the gas, fine, but who offsets the increase in everything we purchase because commerce is passing on their increase to us? It is wildly inflationary and it will be with us for all time. Like the deficit reduction tax on the gasoline, even though we are not running deficits. Like the income tax, which was introduced as a temporary tax during the war to 'help out'. I could go on but my blood pressure will not allow me. I do know that the carbon tax will not change the weather, and will not get people out of their automobiles. How cruel to penalize us for driving when there is no alternative provided. The Ministry of Children would take your kids away from you if you punished your little Johnny every time he ate a cookie, but the only food you ever provided him was cookies.
There now. I feel much better. I think I will go have a pickle sandwich.
Chad did mention something about Indian pickles after spending the weekend at your house. Thanks for clarifying :)
Not only that, I just looked at my snow peas and they are from China. Yes and they are probably eating our rice.
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