My strawberries continue to be gnawed on by the slugs so this photo of luscious berries, which I took at a wedding, is supposed to represent what I just ate, as if you care. Actually, there was only one good one tonight and I gave it to my 90 year old aunt who came to town to visit some of the clan. She is one amazing lady! She may be hard of hearing and blind, but you would be hard pressed to know. She was accompanied by her daughter (my cousin) and her son-in-law. I saw these people only once in the last 36 years, but we picked up where we had left off as if no time had elapsed at all. We didn't even make jokes about how we had aged. After sitting in the restaurant booth for 2 1/2 hours, we all groaned about the aches and pains from sitting too long, except my 90 year old aunt. I think she was trying to prove something. I am convinced that age is a state of mind.
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