I have been looking forward to posting a photo of our strawberries ever since I posted a photo of the blossoms which held such promise. But, wouldn't you know it. Something happened. Actually, several things happened. The first thing was that even though there were a few ripe ones tonight for the first time, the sky turned really dark and the light was not good at all. The post regarding the night life of pansies was such a dismal failure that I rejected a night shot and more talk of the nocturnal goings on of berries. But actually, they do have a night life and that is the second thing that happened. They spend the whole night fending off the slugs, but to no avail. Would you really have appreciated a photo of a slug trail across a half eaten strawberry? I thought not. And, of course, the third thing that happened was that I tasted one, and immediately was afflicted with a strong desire to keep eating. If you eat them really quickly you cannot even taste the slug trail, which I suspect is a bit salty.
To make a long story short, something which I am not good at, there were no strawberries to photograph and I hauled out yesterday's photograph of the pansies, which, by the way, grow right next to the strawberry patch. That is as close as you are going to get.
We've been waiting to taste our strawberries too, and were expecting them to be just perfect yesterday. We went down to admire them, and lo and behold, the birds had pecked them all to smitherines. Poor Lukas cried his eyes out. He could not be consoled with strawberries from the store; he wanted to eat the ones we had grown. (He had even talked to them whenever we went out to look at them because someone told him plants appreciate that. Sensitive soul.) So we can sympathize with your own disappointment, even if the method of destruction in your garden was a different brand than ours. Hope you enjoyed that bowlful in the picture!
I have a second enemy in the garden. At 2 am I awoke to a gnawing sound. I shined the flash light into the garden and there was a big 'possum helping himself to the few ripe ones that were there. Poor Lukas! Tell him that Uncle Terry is crying with him.
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