Monday, October 11, 2010

Contemplating Sunsets

Last week was our anniversary. All our lives we have been very flexible when it comes to celebrating special events. We do not drop everything and commemorate on the exact date unless it works well with the rest of our life. We do treat ourselves, but often later. That will be the case again this year.
After 25 years of marriage, we took our first three week vacation ever. It was in Maui and it was wonderful. Now it is our 40th and we will take our first 1 month vacation ever, in December/January. We have both had a long stretch of hard work and we are so looking forward to the time off, not only to re-charge our batteries, but particularly in my case, to assess our future. I do not mean our future together as husband and wife, (this thing is set in concrete) but our future together as it concerns slowing down in preparation for retirement. For so long I have been looking forward to this time, but now that it is close, I am a bit frightened by the thought of not working in my business. There will be soul searching in an environment removed from home and from business and from the phone calls. It will be interesting. Lately, there have been some physical limitations, but that may clear up after a long hiatus. I just hope the picture is more clear when we return home. Was I subliminally thinking of this when I chose these photos for today's post, the sunset representing the end of my career? Who knows?     


Chris said...

I for one will be very happy to see that you have less pressure and more time to do the things that you love to do. It's great that you are going to have a one month holiday. May it be everything you hope it to be.

cayman77 said...

Thats a beautiful picture! Congrats! Where are you heading for your vacation? I look forward to when Hubby retires- hopefully in 4-5 years. It will be nice to travel all over :) Congrats again :)

Terry said...

Thanks for the kind words, both of you. We will be heading south to Palm Desert in southern California where we have rented a beautiful home for our stay there.