Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Another Year Under our Belts

Everyone is reflective as a New Year's Eve approaches and I am no different. It is cultural and is drummed into us to do so. In fact, we could review the year at any time and not just as the end approaches. Having to discard the old 2014 calendar just reinforces this idea so here I go.
It was the year of retirement for me, and then just as quickly, coming out of retirement. What I learned is that I will work as long as I am able. But get back to me next year as I have been known to change my mind, about important things, on occasion.
Being one year older, I can say that I really felt it like I have in no other year to this point. The aches and pains from work, and then from not enough work, have increased. My stash of herbal remedies for various problems is growing as fast as my bank account is shrinking as a result of these purchases. We are in the process of purchasing a new bed so I may be able to trade in the herbs for a good night's sleep. I could have used the money to buy several truck loads of herbs, but the bed was not getting any more comfortable. Busylizzy and I thought we were falling in love all over again but it was only the sag in the mattress that brought us together every night and all night.
It was a year when my grandsons could look me in the eye without tilting their heads upward. Those little boys are not supposed to be doing that. When we hug, they hold back, just the way I used to do. Crushing ribs during displays of affection is not good.
It was a year when we seriously talked about a condo for the first time. It is still talk but talk always precedes action.
As in years past, it was year in which there were innumerable things and occasions for which to be very thankful. My faith, my family, my church, my friends, my physical health, and my relatively healthy mind are great treasures to me. I have an idea about what the New Year holds for me, but only in regards to those things which I can control. I am thinking that most of what will happen will be beyond my control. It is both frightening and adventuresome. The future is here before we know it and I say "bring it on".

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