Sunday, March 20, 2016

Many Eyes

There is a new, rather large, high end condo project in the works and the owners called on us to do some wall coverings in the show suite/sales center which will be opening shortly, if it is not already. There is a washroom mock-up, done in marble, glass, and mirrors that needed a bit of dressing up. The graphics guys were already putting up their art work when we started. Fortunately we had a perfect work table where the architectural model was going to be installed under glass. That is our continuous roll of high end ultra fine string cloth on the table in the top photo.

There was some debate as to whether the material should be hung vertically or horizontally. Vertically won out.

This mirror was protected with a sheet of plywood. There was just enough room to run our material against the LED lights. There was another frame of glass going around the lights and the final effect was supposed to be spectacular. I will be going back when it is open to see what they were talking about, but I could see that it was going to be good.

The final piece is going against the marble. I was so glad that they had not caulked or grouted the edge so I could tuck the material just behind the edge, making a perfect finish line. Working with high end is a bit stressful, but when the end of the job comes and it turns out well, there is little that is more satisfying. After all, there will be many eyes on this project. What sells units for the developers? Location, price, layout, materials, and workmanship.

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