Thursday, November 5, 2009


Now you see her.
Now you don't.

I got 'the call' from the hospital yesterday, the call we have been waiting for. It has been nearly 6 weeks since the health authorities told us it would be about two weeks before they would find a place for my dad in a care facility. He has been so very patient and I am proud of him. Today at 10:30 am he will be moved to the Menno Home where he will have a private room with its own bathroom and room for a bit of furniture and a TV. I am hoping he will be thrilled to not only be out of the hospital, but to be settled into a place where he can get used to a new routine and a place where the boredom is only as bad as he makes it. He will be well cared for there as the Menno home has a very good reputation. He will get three square meals and opportunity for socialising and making new friends. It was what we were praying for and there is a great sense of gratitude and relief right now.


Rachel said...

Very good news indeed!!!

Gaye said...

I, too, am sooo grateful! I dreamed last night that he was safe and sound at Menno Home. I also dreamed that he sat through a program that he was taken to, which won't happen. (-:

Anonymous said...

That's such a relief for you all and a new chapter for your dad and the family.