Saturday, May 21, 2011

It Was a No-Photo Event

Flat out for so many days, and now a bit of a break. The garage sale is a lot of work (and a lot of fun) without regular life interfering, but this year everything on my plate contrived to almost do me in. When the rain started exactly when the sale started, I just gave in, and then I was fine. Bill, the insightful and wise member of our group, was an absolute lifesaver today when he came with a fantastic big open tent and a few large tarps. We barely managed to cover almost everything and eventually, there was so little stuff left that the tent and tarps could come down.
We had a different variety of items this year, and had a greater item count than usual, with less big ticket items. We did have some furniture and it is all gone except for a desk. That is always the biggest concern. We (I) turned down a few truck loads of donated items at the last  minute on Friday and it was good that I did. It would have got soaked. We, at this moment, on Sat. night, have enough items left in our carport for another sale on Monday morning. So, no final tally of receipts until the last doodad is sold, or carted away to MCC. We do know that the Mwanza orphanage is a little better off today, and that is why we do this.
Oh, and no photo because I was too busy, and I also I did not want to ruin my camera in the rain. Maybe I can get a photo from a compatriot for the next blog post.

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