After thoroughly checking out the bruised jaw and determining that it was not a serious issue, we got into some holiday attire and set out for out first dinner. It was everything we had remembered but better. We noticed throughout the week that there were many improvements to the resort since our last visit there three years ago.
After dinner we decided to attend the evening show. Because of the constant threat of showers, the event was held inside the disco which is immediately behind the outdoor bowl theater where it usually takes place. It was crowded and humid in the somewhat confined space, but the show was great and we were really getting into the mood of a Mexican vacation.
We had been up since 4 am that morning so we decided to call it a day and headed back to our room which luckily adjoined the room of our travelling companions. We stood out on the back balcony watching the lightening in the distance and marveling at the balmy air in spite of the rain. We bid each other good night and stepped into our rooms where only a minute later we heard a sudden roar as a violent wind hit the resort. It went from dead calm to hurricane force in the blink of an eye. We did not dare step out for fear of being blown off the third floor balcony, so we watched through the patio window. Almost immediately, the lights went out and our view toward the village of Bucerias became devoid of even the smallest flicker of light. The lightening was now coming at rapid intervals, each time illuminating the violent scene unfolding before our eyes. It was like watching CNN coverage of Hurricane Katrina or Andrew as the palm branches were splayed at a horizontal angle and the torrential rain was flying by without falling ground ward. We began to hear popping and cracking noises and knew that trees were being ripped apart and probably many being uprooted. It was scary but I must say that never once did we feel insecure in our concrete constructed building. There was never a shudder, creak or groan in the building itself.
Within an hour, it had blown itself out and we went to bed, wondering what we would see the next morning. Just before we drifted off to sleep, the distant roar of generators was evident and the lights came on. I fumbled for the switch and fell into a deep sleep.
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