Thursday, January 5, 2012


I am not one for making New Year's resolutions. They are difficult to keep and gives one permission to avoid resolutions the rest of the year. "I resolve to do" should be an on going process throughout the year. I do make goals and plans, but always keeping in mind that we know not what the future holds and our plans and schemes can be dashed in an instant.
What we can do quite safely is to assess the year that has just passed. It is history, it was played out, and it will never change, therefore, let us learn from it. Those things or ideas that worked should be repeated and those mistakes we made are not so bad, in retrospect, but are lessons on what not to do again.
Looking back, I can say that I have neither great successes, nor do I have great failures to ponder. In many ways, 2011 was a status quo year. However, there were some issues that will have to be resolved this year. There always are. I am optimistic about the future more than I am pessimistic. There is reason for both takes. If I were to make a resolution, it would be to go into these unresolved situations with confidence and preparation. I must be less passionate and more understanding of both sides of an issue, something that has always been a challenge for me.

I like to keep my posts as brief as possible so just before I hit the "Publish" button, I re-read what I have just written. After having done that, what this post sounds like to me is an elongated Chinese Fortune Cookie. Long on vagueness and completely open to interpretation. I guess I am also trying to be more mysterious this year.  Like how does the moon get to that position behind Mt. Baker at this time of the year?   

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