Sunday, November 18, 2012

Itching For ....

It is Sunday morning, mid November, cold, raining, dark, and I am itching for a sunny destination. Literally. The Vitamin D supplements are not kicking in like they should, and my winter skin condition is flaring up. There is only one really good solution and that is soaking up a lot of sun.
I am obsessing on this thought every evening when my body begins to slow down for the night ahead and the natural defenses are not revved up like they are during the day. Each day it gets a little worse. The steroid cream only works on the 'bad spots' if I apply it three times a day, but I do not want to walk around all day slathered in cream from head to foot. Besides, excessive use weakens the skin and probably makes the condition worse in the long term.
I really know what it is like to "itch for something".  For me it is Mexico, or Hawaii, or the Maldives, or the Cook Islands, or Barbados, or Florida, or .......


Rachel said...

So let's all go away for Christmas next year :)

Terry said...

Can't wait that long!!

Rachel said...

You may have a holiday in the meantime :)