Monday, April 3, 2017

Fun and Satisfying

I was looking forward to hanging this mural and it did not disappoint. I have hung this style and brand before so knew what I was up against before even starting. The trick here was to centre the Brooklyn Bridge from top to bottom without taking off anything that was important to the balance of the photo.

There were 10 panels and as I have stated before on one of my other work posts, starting right, plumb and square, is absolutely critical.

Getting organised and set up takes almost as much time as actually installing the photomural.

It was going well and I was having so much fun.

The client was 'over the moon' about the whole thing and that always makes my day. This was also an interesting project because it is in phase 2 of the Condominium project which we are moving into in 15 months. I could live with one of these in my unit.

1 comment:

Gaye said...

Ooooooo! I love it!