Monday, April 2, 2012

The Mighty Beaver

First off, if you have come back to this blog to see if I was serious about what I said yesterday, you have your answer. If I had been serious, there would be nothing here. It was April Fool's day you know, the one day I can lie with impunity.   

Anyone familiar with Fish Trap Creek will notice how barren the shores and islands are becoming. Yes, the views are now less obstructed, but many of the 30-40 year old trees are being destroyed. Drought, disease, vandals? No, the iconic Beaver is doing all the damage. He has been very busy this winter. Those who have seen it, say this one is huge, likened to a Golden Retriever in size. I found its den when I wandered off the trail in search of a vantage point to photograph the Eagle the other day, and it is huge.

He often does not finish the job, but does kill the tree. The parks staff have wrapped many trees with wire mesh to discourage the voracious rodent, but they cannot get to all of them. The Beaver seems to prefer Alder trees but he did cut down this Birch too. (below)

Our country's history is closely tied to the Beaver and its luxurious pelt so there is a reluctance to interfere with its existence, but let's face it. It is just another rodent. Its instinct is to cut down the trees in order to create a dam which will give it an environment in which to build its den, a huge mound of sticks above the water line, with a safe entry below the water line. There is no water current in Fish Trap Creek to speak of, so a dam is redundant. The small brained rodent has not figure this out so he should be trapped and put out into the wild somewhere where his efforts will achieve the desired results. Perhaps his problem is that he has no mate and he is taking out his frustrations on the trees that beautify the park.

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