Sunday, April 22, 2012

Photoshop Fun

For many of you, this is elementary and 'old hat', but I would like to show you some fun you can have when you pop your photos into the Photo shop program and play with them. The combinations of effects are virtually limitless, but here are a few elementary things one can choose to do with the photo. The top photo is right out of my camera. Nothing done but to make it a good size to fit my blog format.

If you do not like people in your photo of the tulip field, you can remove them, with a bit of practice.

Here, I flattened the light in the background sky and also 'saturated' the colours in the flowers.

In this version, I cropped the photo to make it an entirely different picture and sized it to make it appear a little closer.

Cropping tightly in a horizontal fashion makes the photo more panoramic, as if taken with a wide angle lens. I actually took this with a 200 mm at full telephoto.

If black and white is your thing, you can make a photo ageless, or old looking with the click of a mouse to remove all colour. Sepia is also a breeze.

Here I selected an elliptical portion of the photo and made the non-selected portion of the photo black and white. I then put it through what is called 'posterization', which gives a dark outline to the highlights in the photo.

Here I got randomly funky and used a pencil sketch filter to get the 'Monet' look. I then put a quirky frame, of my own making, around the photo and drew in two birdies for fun.
You do not have to be artsy or a techie to do this stuff. And who knows, every so often you could create a masterpiece.
What a fun hobby!

1 comment:

Gaye said...

Well, that looks like fun.