Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Con Game

I did not pay very much for this Kindle book and it is a good thing. The premise sounded intriguing and the reviews were wonderful, but it was a bit of a disappointment.
Tim Trinity is a sham preacher playing the prosperity gospel game and is very good at it. But there is a new twist to his preaching. He falls on stage and begins speaking in tongues, predicting with 100% accuracy events of the immediate future. Not only that, but he becomes a true believer in God.  
His estranged nephew is a priest and works for the Vatican as a miracle investigator. He is assigned to his Uncle's case. From there it gets strange, as if it were not already so. The writing is not too bad, but the plot is full of holes and incredulity and I basically finished it because that is what I do when I start something.
It was interesting from the point of view that the author is very conversant on the many facets of Christianity. The most intriguing aspect of the story is the struggle that the young priest has with his vows, his belief in God, and in reconciling with his con artist uncle.
But, overall, I would not rate this book much better than a
2 1/2 stars.

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