Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Will to Live

Jan Baalsrud was a Norwegian who was determined to go back to his homeland and fight the Nazis during the years when Hitler invaded Norway. He took extensive training in England and set out on a doomed mission in a fishing boat loaded with explosives. From the minute they spotted the Norwegian coast line, things went horribly wrong. Jan was the only survivor among the eight team members and as he struggled ashore, wet and very cold, having lost one boot in the frigid waters and being chased by Nazi soldiers, his story of endurance and survival begins.
In the introduction, the author states that the route and the people who helped Jan along the way were retraced and interviewed and all aspects to this story confirmed. Had that not been stated, I would have written this story off as outlandish fiction. It is over the top unbelievable how this man survived and what he had to go through to get to his destination, Sweden, where he found freedom and rest. That he even recovered and lived to 71 years of age is a miracle. I could not put this book down, except to exclaim, more than once, "no way!" If you like true stories of endurance and survival this will become one of your favourites.
A rare 5 stars

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