Saturday, March 29, 2008


Mushrooms are very interesting. They pop up overnight where yesterday there was nothing. They are either deliciously edible or horribly poisonous. They are very delicate and quite beautiful in their variety of colour , shape, and size. These are Shaggy Mane Mushrooms, edible at this stage, but only hours later, when the fringes of the caps turn black and shaggy, you had better not eat them unless you are close to medical treatment! I was feeling adventurous when I took this photo, for immediately afterwards, I picked them, tossed them into a frying pan, and ate them. I was fortunate that the information in the nature book was accurate.

* These are not Shaggy Mane mushrooms. If they are, they are very young. I researched my brains out and canont find out what they are but I know we ate them. Anybody out there who can help me with this?

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