Monday, August 8, 2011


While the economy of the USA goes to a warm eternity in a hand basket, there is another type of heat we are continually warned about. Actually, not the heat, but the rays from the sun, which, normally is accompanied by a lot of heat. Do you use sunscreen? Some of it is not safe, you know. Better the UV that you know than the chemicals you do not know. But hang on just a second!
There is some incredible research going on right here in Canada. Had I known about this sooner, I would have been their first volunteer.
Some foods contain high levels of a substance called polyphenals which increase blood flow to the surface of the skin, which, in turn, protects the skin from harmful UV and UVA rays. I always disliked smearing on the lotion and actually I will closely monitor my time in the sun instead of 'greasing up' for a time in the rays. But if I can eat my way to protection, I will do it. What is this food they are testing? If I tell you, you will want to volunteer also. It is chocolate. Yes, dear readers, chocolate. Sometimes I think all these studies are done by people who want to justify their huge intake of this finest of foods. As for me, I will conduct my own experiments. There is still time this summer to eat myself silly with chocolate and then sit in the sun and see what happens. If I burn, an indication that the experiment failed, I will simply console myself with more chocolate.  That is what you call a 'win-win' situation.   

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