Saturday, February 4, 2012

Breakfast in the Sun

I am not big on taking photos of food. If I had a pocket camera it would be a different story, but lugging around a big Nikon DSLR in a restaurant is a recipe for theft or a sticky camera. On this particular morning, we were just back from a walk and were so famished we went straight to breakfast instead of stopping in at our room first. I took a photo of what was my typical breakfast in paradise.
I could write a very long blog on the food at this place, but I will control myself.
First of all, the coffee has improved vastly over the years at this resort. It actually tastes like coffee now and it is piping hot. I would ask the waiter for coffee and orange juice and by the time I was back with a plate full of sustenance, it was there. The waiter had to do something to earn his tip, but really, I could have got my own orange juice. Oh, the orange juice! Simply the best. Then, if I did not order a custom omelet, with cheese, tomatoes, onions, and mushrooms, or order two large eggs over easy, I would cruise the buffet to see how the eggs were done there. On this morning, they were scrambled with huge mushrooms so I dished out some of those. I also have on my plate two potato croquettes (with a cheese ingredient) a small spinach puff pastry, some very crisp bacon, large slabs of Papaya, a piece of Honey Dew, and a fresh from the oven raisin cinnamon roll.
Compare this to my usual breakfast at home which, on a work day, would be a half bowl of mini-wheats, a glass of milk to wash down all the vitamins, and a small cup of coffee.
Sure, I gained some weight, but I was on holidays. Like my tan, most of it is gone already. Good thing looking at the photo is not fattening because I look at it a lot.  

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