Friday, February 10, 2012

Connect the Dots

Racket : "Traditionally, the word racket is used to describe a business (or syndicate) .... that is engaged in the sale of a solution to a problem that the institution itself creates or perpetuates, with the intent to engender continual patronage."

Does anyone know what US interests are being protected by the war in Afghanistan? Has anyone been able to define what 'winning' would look like? What has the point been?
Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis is calling out the US military and is being called a 'whistle blower'. He claims that after touring the country and war extensively, he sees no sign of 'progress' anywhere.  
Mit Romney says," I will insist on a military so powerful that no one would ever think of challenging it."
The US has been waging a  "War on Terror" since 2001. They have, in the process, inflicted more terror on the world than any 9/11 event ever did, including the terror of its own citizens when confronted with Homeland Security.
The FBI and CIA have a website where you can download information on how to be an informant when you see 'suspicious' behaviour.
President Obama has just announced the freezing of Iranian assets held in US banks or banks on US soil. 

Let's connect the dots. The USA is in a perilous economic situation where they will have to cut spending by the billions or face catastrophic consequences. The biggest expenditure is the military. The pentagon and its contractors have the most successful lobbyists in Washington. How do you convince the US government to keep the cash flowing to the military? Well, how about by convincing everyone that there is an enemy? It has worked so far and will continue as long as there are red-necked gullible people out there who vote. The Christan 'right' are supporting war mongers who are running for the Republican nomination for the run for the presidency. Shame on them. Ron Paul is the only candidate who is anti-war. With his defeat, the obscene amounts of money being transferred to the military will continue, as will the decline and fall of the US Empire.    

1 comment:

Susan said...

Why did our country partake in the troubles in Afganistan to begin with?
The people of Afganistan needed help, considering the inhumane treatment of their dictator and his comrades. However, it was not necessary to stay so long and spend so much to get their goals achieved. And what about people in other countries who are living in similar conditions? Can we save them too?
I have mixed feelings about this topic in general. However, I do know that our country is in financial straits because of wasteful spending. Unfortunately, I don't see it getting much better, and probably getting worse :(