Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lunch Box Nazis

Nanny State, Police State, Big Brother, call it what you will. Some incidents just make it so obvious that government wants to control us from the cradle to the grave.

Take the Hoke County preschooler in Raeford N.C. whose lunch box was inspected in the school cafeteria. Was it drugs or weapons that they were searching for? No, it was USDA guidelines that had to be adhered to so that every kid was fed proper nutritional elements for lunch. This may have some merit in some rare cases but think of the government waste in employing a food Nazi in every school in America!
Back to the story. The little girl had a pretty good lunch that day consisting of a turkey and cheese sandwich, a banana, apple juice and potato chips. OK, the chips may have been a little greasy. The Nazi marched her right over to the counter in the cafeteria and forced her to eat ...... chicken nuggets. Naturally, the girl returned home that afternoon with an invoice for the extra 'food'.

No doubt, we will soon have to clear it with the government to take our next breath. "Not to much exhalation now, you want to keep your carbon dioxide emissions to a minimum."

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