Sunday, February 26, 2012

Following Through

The last book I reviewed was titled "Sons of the Great Satan", with Satan referring to the USA. So I thought I would do a little follow-up on the theme and try to discover what Satan has to do with America. I picked the right book for sure.
"Unlocking the Mysteries of Satan" is a book intended for Christians because the reader needs a lot of background information on the Christian faith and culture and the Bible. In this regard, it is an excellent book. It explores the origins of Satan and most interestingly how Satan was duped when he had a hand in the betrayal and crucifixion of Christ. Satan's intents and purposes are laid out carefully in the following chapters and all done with numerous Scriptural references. 
Last, and best of all, it explores the best lies of the "Father of Lies" and how all of us, Christians and non-Christians alike, fall for  them. This was a rather convicting book for me. It pointed out what I already knew, but in such a way as to make me sit up and take more notice. I believe that what he says in this book is true because it all lines up with a final authority, the Bible itself. The author ends with a bleak picture of the ineffectiveness of the Evangelical Christian church in today's culture and climate and after reading the book, the reasons are quite apparent. 
This is a book not so much about the scary entity we know as Satan, as it is a book about how most of us are falling for lies with eternal consequences, how the lies work, and how to free ourselves from them. 
If you want to be challenged in your Christian walk, I highly recommend this short but insightful book.    

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