Thursday, May 24, 2012


The Book of Ezra is a record of the remnant of Israel coming out of the Babylonian exile, returning to Jerusalem, and rebuilding the temple. It continues the theme of God preserving just enough of his people to get a fresh start. (50,000 compared to the 1.6 million of King David's time. It is interesting to note that these figures that are given usually refer only to men of fighting readiness.) There is much celebration and praise as the foundations, and then the walls of the Temple, are restored, with the expressed permission of the Persian kings.
Impressions: There is always forgiveness, and then new hope in the restored blessings of God. We can never stray too far from him, that he will not find us and bless us when we turn back to him. 
Readability: 3 1/2 stars   

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