Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Old buildings at Nighthawk Wa.
Black and white photos are nostalgic. Barn(old) photos are nostalgic. Black and white photos of old barns are particularly nostalgic. It got me to thinking about some of the big changes I have seen in my lifetime. Of course, they are too many to list in a format such as this, but one thing that has struck me lately is the advent of consumerism, and now, perhaps, the decline of consumerism.
We take for granted that growth and expansion is good, natural, and necessary to maintain and also to enhance our standard of living. We hear economists and politicians clamouring for more economic growth continually. Spend more money. Buy more stuff. Buy bigger stuff. Bigger cars. Bigger houses. Bigger vacations. It all stimulates the economy and produces jobs and fills government coffers. Hence, the forced and artificially low interest rates, so consumers will spend money they do not have. But debt is spending tomorrow's money today. What do we do tomorrow? 
Years ago, everyone was happy with no raise in pay, old furniture, a ten year old car, and a vacation to grandma's farm house in the country. Life was simple then. Expectations were minimal, and there was time for family and friends and fishing. 
We may have no choice but to go back to the 'good old days'. Expansion is not happening like it used to. Many folks are finding that their standard of living is quite stagnant these days, and maybe even in decline because of inflation. If we truly are in a Japanese type of stagnation, as some economists are saying we are, we may have the next twenty years to get used to it. 
But that is not necessarily a bad thing. That might just be enough time to straighten out our prioroties, and start living with a bit less stress.  "Be happy, don't worry." has become "Don't happy, be worry."   

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