Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Reaching .... Again

This is not me, nor are these my hands or arms. But this is what I am now able to do.
As promised, though a day late, I am reporting in, regarding my recovery. On Monday I only worked a few hours to test the new found mobility I had in my right arm. It went well so I put in a full 8 hours yesterday. I reached, stretched, lifted, and did all the normal things I used to be able to do, and am pleased to report that I am again able to do what is required in my work to please my customers as well as stay off of disability pay. In fact, I have never taken disability pay. Ever. Nor Employment Insurance, accident insurance, nor any other type of social safety net income. Proud? Fortunate?


Rachel said...

Ohhh...I love being on EI. Collecting all the lovely money you paid into it for me :) LOL!
And I love to push your buttons.

Terry said...

I do not pay into EI.