Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I am developing a love of historical fiction and I have found another really good author. Viking Warrior is the first of a three part series that depicts life as a Viking in the 9th century. Halfdan, our hero, is a thrall, or slave, but an interesting turn of events changes that in a hurry. There is a huge adjustment in becoming a freeman, but while a slave, he was taught some skills that come in handy for his new direction in life.
This is very interesting reading and quite frankly, almost impossible to put down. The societal structure and codes of conduct were somewhat unique to the Danes, and as I am learning about that aspect of history, I am also being vastly entertained by a great novel, full of adventure, suspense, love, hate, honour, revenge, and all the good and bad that make up the human condition, whether in the 9th century or today.
I immediately downloaded the next two installments in this saga and have started reading #2 already.
4 1/2 stars

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