Friday, February 8, 2008

Getting Through the Day

I sometimes wonder about the ducks that stay here for the winter. Do they have a 'one day at a time' mentality? If they do, then I was thinking like a duck today. My arm and neck were very sore from my fall and it was a very difficult day for me. One day at a time, and like a duck, I too will soon be enjoying spring. And having a strong left arm again. Lizzy, hand me the Tylenol, would you please?


Rachel said...

Advil and Tylenol together is quite lovely.
Sorry to hear about your fall!

Anonymous said...

Terry, sorry to hear about your fall...I hope you do not feel the effects of this long term. I understand that resting on a sunny beach is more therapeutic than going to work....Elma

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to see that your fall hasn't ruined your ability to think and write, Terry.

I enjoy your musings, and you're putting some very good photos up with them.

I think there's still some space in Mazatlan for recovering "older workers" like you...grin There's wireless internet there, too, so you could sit by the pool and write your masterpiece!
