Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I was at an age where decisions were being made that would have life lasting consequences. Often these decisions were made with a simple 'yes' or 'no'. One of those decisions came that winter after I got back to Ocean Falls after coming very close to not returning. I was young and full of energy and needed more purpose to my life than putting in time and watching my bank account grow. I was making friends at work but was torn as to how to pursue those friendships outside of the work setting. At home we would go dating, go to movies, just drive around (cruise) and sit at the A & W and discuss cars and girls. There was not the same culture in Ocean Falls. I could not get into fishing, playing cards, or partying with lots of drinking so I had to make a decision. Instead of pursuing those things, I decided that I would take my relationship with my girlfriend to the next level. Those were dreary, wet, and cold months and I spent all my spare time writing letters and even taking a business course by correspondence. After spending the little time I had with Lis at Christmas, I think we both realised how much we had missed each other and although we had not spoken of marriage, it was on both our minds. I cleared it with my sister and then decided to ask Lis to come and spend a few days in Ocean Falls when her school was finished. I knew this would 'seal the deal' so it was very scary for me. I do not commit to things easily, but when I do it is firm. I sent the letter and waited for her reply. And prayed.

1 comment:

Susan said...

My Mom and Dad actually became "pen pals" for quite a while before they even dated. He was in the Navy, stationed overseas, while she was back home in Mississippi. They met through mutual friends. I may just have to write about that sometime. Meanwhile, I'm still enjoying your story :)