Thursday, July 26, 2012


Kimberly Smith is climbing the corporate ladder of success when she suddenly has a vision of her own death. It makes her take stock of, and evaluate her life. She comes to the conclusion that her life is counting for nothing, yet she has a great desire for meaning and significance.
Thus starts a journey, by small steps, that is fascinating, frightening, dangerous, and horrific. Her and her husband, Milton, stumble upon a child brothel in Spain, full of African orphans. A series of events lead them to Darfur, a hotbed of genocide, war, and death at every turn. 

Kimberly skillfully writes her story with great insight and compassion, and we constantly feel the pain that she feels as she witnesses, and is the victim of, atrocities far removed from her corporate life in Alabama. The pain and guilt she feels threatens her sanity and her marriage, but in the process, she is doing an almost miraculous thing in Sudan, Africa.

This the true story of an ordinary mom, housewife, and career person feeling a leading from God to a great work and to discover if one person can make a difference in the pain and suffering that covers so much of Africa.
Quite frankly, it is an amazing story and it will move you and inspire you.  

5 stars 

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