Saturday, July 7, 2012


Paul wrote this letter while in prison in Rome. He seems to have a soft spot for this church as there is little in the way of doctrinal correction, but he thanks them for a gift of money sent to him by way of Epaphroditus. It is by now an established church as he first visited this place on his second missionary journey and now he addresses "bishops and deacons". Paul also encourages them to speak more boldly and without fear, as he has done.

Impressions: Paul's joy comes through in this letter. He has been through a lot of rough treatment, and is writing from prison, and yet he can rejoice. There is a very telling remark right at the end of the last chapter. He sends greetings from various people, and then includes in that list "those that belong to Caesar's household"! He has apparently been preaching to those closest to Caesar, and with some success. What a trooper!

Readability: 4 stars

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