Monday, September 10, 2012

A Special Day?

A very old tree house near Nighthawk Wa. that my grandsons would love.  
I don't know how she does it, but busylizzy always seems to know what special day it is. I think she owns shares in Carlton Cards. They are the inventors of these days, all for the intent purpose of getting people to buy cards.
Apparently, yesterday was "Grandparent's Day". This should be common knowledge for all grandchildren, but apparently it is not. We did not hear "boo" from our grandsons, and busylizzy's parents did not hear "boo" from even one of their 16 grandchildren, or 18 great grandchildren. What to do? We had her parents in and celebrated Grandparents day without any of our grand kids. That should teach them a lesson.


Rachel said...

What a crock.

Chrisp said...

It's best to not expect anything from anyone and then you will never be disappointed. Works for me.