Sunday, September 2, 2012


My electronic Franklin Language Master calls it labor and the definition is "physical or mental effort". This is Labour Day weekend and aptly named because I am working through it. Today, Sunday, will my resting time and tomorrow, when others are recreating, I will take up the slack of all those out there who should be working and paying taxes so our various levels of government can continue to spend. 
I started collecting CPP early as it was a great advantage as a self-employed person to not have to pay into it anymore, and start taking out. And then this year they changed the rules. Even though I am collecting and should no longer have to pay into the plan, they now say that up to age 65, if one continues to work, they must start contributing again. All of 2012 and the first three months of 2013 will be seeing me pump a lot of money into the plan again as I have to pay employee and employer portions. And all this so I get a monthly cheque that will be about 49 cents larger. (This is my estimate and I hope I am wrong :)  One day this will all be behind me and I will be able to look back with fond memories of working weekends and holidays, hoping our government does not run out of money for the pensioners.   

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