Thursday, May 9, 2013

Yikes, This is Painful!

Again, due to subject matter, there is no photo. It would be ugly.

So, I am merrily working away today, and about 3 pm I felt a bit of discomfort in my big toe on my right foot. It soon reached the point where I could not ignore it. By 4:30 I was limping. By 5:00 I was fit to be tied. I was afraid to take off my shoe because of what I might find, you know, gangrene, flesh eating disease, or worse.

I really felt like my toe had been crushed by a huge rock. I could barely walk and on the commute home I was having a difficult time applying the brake with my right foot. When I examined my toe with my shoe off, which was an ordeal in itself, I could find no evidence of an ingrown toenail or any other type of infection or injury, but my toe was red, swollen, and extremely painful.

After an accurate self diagnosis and a bit of internet research, I discovered that I have now officially entered the domain of the aged. I thought it would be when I was sixty five and got my first pension check, which I have not yet received even though I have been sixty five for 38 days now. No, it is the day you get your first bout of gout. If this isn't gone by morning, I am going to have to sharpen my axe. The pain of a self inflicted amputation would pale in comparison to what I am enduring at this moment. I will definitely be sleeping with my foot hanging outside of the covers tonight.


Jan said...

Go to the doctor! There is some good medication. I hope it clears up soon. I have never suffered with it but I know how much pain some friends have been in with it. Put the axe down and pop some pills!

Rachel said...

Roger had gout at least 10 years ago so it's not just for the aged :)

Gaye said...

People who get kidney stones (the uric acid type) alos have bouts of gout. Poor baby! you need Allopurinol.

Terry said...

I did a bit of reading on the current drugs available for this condition. No thanks! There are other solutions. Pain has decreased by about 90% this morning. Even got my shoe on and am going to work.

Stephanie said...

My father-in-law has it and he can completely control it with his diet. No red meat or alcohol for him. If he cheats, he pays dearly.

Terry said...

I have been off red meat for about 7 years and never did the alcohol thing, in fact am allergic to beer and wine for the last number of years. I am eating cherries now and drinking celery seed tea. Next, I will be grazing in a field of alfalfa and drinking strained Camel milk. Meanwhile, I cannot play soccer or kick myself for bad decisions.

Anonymous said...

Cherry juice. Drink it.

Terry said...

I started eating real cherries today and will be doing so as long as the season lasts. Good thing they are my favourite fruit!