Wednesday, April 9, 2008


The Badlands of South Dakota are amazing. The only reason they are 'bad' is because they are useless. But hold on! Is beauty ever useless? If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you will see a motor home winding its way down the curves into the little green valleys. Tourism is good. I was quite taken by the contrast between the moonscapes of the badlands and the lush farming lands that surround it. As you first stand on the edge of these clay hills, you are struck by the fact that they seem to go on forever. And like the badlands in our own lives, there is the occasional oasis of greenery and life, but sometimes only seen by looking from overhead, or in other words, in hindsight. So be encouraged. Badlands do not last forever, there are bright spots, and they can be beautiful. It is all a matter of perspective.


Rachel said...

Another 'Deep Thoughts' by Terrography :)

Terry said...

That's just the kind of mood I am in these days. I will be going shallow soon enough.