Sunday, April 6, 2008

Visible Minorities

Our little town now has the distinction of being the community in all of Canada with highest percentage of 'South Asian' visible minorities. For anyone living here for some time, this is not a surprise. In the city of Richmond, the Caucasians are now the visible minority in a city of people of Chinese descent.
Consider the Daffodil. The white variety is a recent 'immigrant' to the world of horticulture. Suppose it became the predominant colour in spring, and the traditional yellow ones were to fade into oblivion. We would still have daffodils in the spring, but it would be different, not the same as it was, not traditional. Whether or not this happens is totally up to the gardener. The flower that is planted, nurtured, and encouraged is the one that will flourish. I like all the varieties of Daffodils, even the miniatures, but I believe that balance is the key for a happy and beautiful garden. It is all up to the gardeners, who we elect.

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