Thursday, August 12, 2010

Here We Go Again

River gorge near Mt. Robson

And now we have a follow-up to yesterday's post regarding the official end of the flu pandemic. How long would they let us rest from fear and panic before there was something else to be afraid of? Well, it appears that we can only have a few days between disease scares. There is now a "Super Bug Gene" that is threatening to spread world wide. Note that it is not a super bug, but a super bug gene. On the surface, this sounds scary but if we read the press release carefully, we realise that this should not even be in the news. I quote from the article:
"Super bug gene MAY spread world wide"
"immune to ALL BUT TWO antibiotics" (so use the two)
"MAY NOT lead to debilitating diseases"
"MAY NOT be more virulent than standard strains"
"researchers HAVE YET TO DETERMINE the fitness of the gene"
" SHOULD the gene keep circulating" 
"closer look at WHETHER the gene is prevalent"
"general public in North America IS NOT VULNERABLE AT ALL"
Why do they do this? Probably to warm us to another round of useless vaccinations. Hey, there is money to be made here.
The final word is "wash your hands frequently".
We did this during the flu pandemic and it worked. Let's try it again.

I don't know why one line is hightlighted. Ignore it. I didn't do that. I have been having trouble formatting my posts lately.


GUESS WHO said...

1) I agree completely. When I heard the announcement this week on our local news radio station that the pandemic was called off I wondered the same thing - what will the next scare be. Sure enough, the very next day they had scrapped this big news story (yawn) for a bigger and better superbug scare that is about to infect the world via air travel. I think the scariest epidemic we need to immunize ourselves against is the media scare campaigns via the WHO.

2) If you copy and paste articles from the internet straight onto your blog, the format is often messed up. What you do is go to "New Post" and click on the tab that says "Edit Html". Paste your article in and then go back to "Compose." Then you can adjust it the way you like. Or copy it onto Word first and then from there into your blog.

There is a way to fix a post and get rid of that highlighted part. But it takes too long to explain. A tutorial would perhaps be best...on a rainy day.

Terry said...

Thankyou most wise and experienced blogger. I DO need a tutorial.