Friday, August 27, 2010

Vacation 2010 Oroville Wa.

When the sharks attack, grab the dorsal fin and hang on for dear life.
This is the world's worst watermelon on the world's worst table cloth. We choose the biggest, best looking one in the garden and what we got was a total dud. It was punky, tasteless and had a weird colour. It was a genetic mutant and nourished only the compost box.
Every few hours Liam needed to have a sit on the "track-go" (tractor). He loves big machinery. For him a garden tractor is big machinery.
And no day was complete without a swing in the hammock. That went for almost all of us.
Oh dear! He has just discovered the tool box on the "track-go". There is no turning back now. Everything will now get 'fixed'. Hmmm. Where can I hide my camera?
Liam and I went into the orchard one evening to pick an apricot for his mommy. Here he is contemplating, after carrying it for some time, just who should eat it.
Coming soon .... Chad's nemesis.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Liam has his very own post..what a celebrity!